Top 5 Shared Hosting Security Risks That You Should Know

How To Prevent Them



Shared Hosting security is so popular because it is a cheap way to host a website without sacrificing performance. Multiple websites use one server’s resources in shared hosting.

Shared Hosting works simply. The server has RAM, storage, and CPU cores. All server websites can use this pool of resources. Sharing resources allows websites to share costs, making Shared Hosting affordable.

Since hundreds of thousands of websites are hosted this manner, security issues have arisen. This article discusses five risks and offers solutions for each.


Shared hosting security risks

Your server neighbours are unknown.

Web hosting firms must follow strict privacy standards and never release their customer list. You don’t know who (what websites) you’re sharing the server with.

This is a concern because spam and illegal websites are constantly prohibited. Search engines can’t block websites. They block the server, which disables your website.

Your website may be restricted and removed for no reason. Risk.


Solution: Choose reputed web hosting businesses that offer reliable Shared Hosting and follow fair usage rules. Industry leaders risk their reputations by not serving known criminals. They also have a number of anti-spam measures.

Leading web hosting firms lessen the risk of your website getting taken down. Always check independent websites for Shared Hosting reviews. It’s all there.

More DDoS attacks

DDoS is a cyberattack in which a server is bombarded with requests from many devices until it crashes or shuts down.

Your website can be affected even if it’s not under a DDoS attack with Shared Hosting. This assault impacts the entire server, not just one website. If your server is busy serving requests for an attacked website, your website will fall down.

You can’t fix this problem alone. All server users and owners are responsible for preventing DDoS attacks. Your web host must have firewalls and malware-detection software.

As a user, follow the best cyber security measures you can. This involves updating your apps, enabling two-factor authentication, and employing strong passwords.

A website attack could affect yours.


In Shared Hosting, all websites share a server’s resources. If a hacker gets into one of these sites, it’s easy to see others. One infected website puts all the other websites on the server at risk because they share the same IP address and general infrastructure.

Use antivirus and malware protection. Your web host will support native applications. These apps provide extra website security.

Set file permissions. Change your cPanel settings so only you can view your files. The process is simple and there are several easy-to-follow guidelines online. A few minutes here will help you long-term.

Website attack

We looked at ways your website could be hacked even if others are. As with any hosting, your website might be targeted.

Everything is taken: business files, client data, financial data. Malware and antivirus software should prevent that. These apps can’t stop hackers from accessing your server to run their own files, redirect them to spam websites, etc.

Most dangerous scripts are PHP-based. There’s a simple solution. Untrust PHP directories. Even if hackers create new directories and files, those will be judged untrustworthy, thwarting an attack.

Threats to web hosting security have become more common in recent years. Last year, the largest cyberattack in Georgian history struck Pro-Service, a web hosting provider. While the specifics of how the attack was carried out are unknown, the consequences included the defacement of over 15,000 websites. This is just one of many breaches in recent years.

According to Internet Live Stats, over 56 million websites have been hacked this year alone. However, the data does not reveal whether the breaches were made possible by the site’s owners or hosting companies. However, both parties bear responsibility.

There are some threats that web hosting services are likely to face this season, but there are also ways to mitigate the risks.

Loading slowly

Cyber attacks are one of the reasons your website may slow down. In Shared Hosting, you’ll often see a performance hit so debilitating that your website may stop running.

If the problem has grown over time, your website may need more resources. Symptoms of an attack may be rapid and fleeting.

Use a malware and antivirus product, implement cyber security best practices, buy your Shared Hosting plan from a reputable web hosting firm, etc. to prevent this.


Security requires a holistic plan, not just one technology or software. With a Shared Hosting plan, your hosting business controls the server, therefore it’s important to choose a secure, dependable, and fast company. If you have a solid website, you can focus on building your business.


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